
Architectures of Planetary Well-Being

By revisions Editorial Team

15 May, 2024

This platform is a home for conversation around architectures of planetary well-being. As we set out to explore and, ultimately, to help shift discourse around the relational frameworks that connect our social and ecological systems, we want to first examine with intention the language we will use to shape our editorial.

It is imperative that we communicate around these urgent topics with precision and care, especially as the rhetoric of activist, justice, and reform work is readily and continuously co-opted, branded, and depleted of both meaning and potential.

Here, we offer and expand upon four terms, and concepts, with and through which we will build our narrative point of view.

It is imperative that we communicate around these urgent topics with precision and care, especially as the rhetoric of activist, justice, and reform work is readily and continuously co-opted, branded, and depleted of both meaning and potential.
"architecture(s)" by JAZSALYN commissioned for revisions

architectures are infrastructures for social relations. These can be elements of our built environments, or non-physical systems that structure how we cohabitate in our communities and interact with the earth's ecosystems. 1

“planetarity” by JAZSALYN commissioned for revisions

planetarity is our framework for the interdependence of all life. It acknowledges the interconnectedness of all living things to one another and to the planet we share, and honours the delicate reciprocity of this coexistence. Planetarity transcends the distinction between humans and our natural environments, and moves beyond “global” or “world” -views that fail to appreciate this symbiosis. 2

“well-being” by JAZSALYN commissioned for revisions

well-being is our ability to collectively and sustainably survive and thrive. This approach reorients the concept of wellness away from the individual and towards a metric that can account for a mutual and relational state of being. 3

“plurality” by JAZSALYN commissioned for revisions

plurality expresses the importance of holding differing and even dissonant experiences, perspectives, wants, and needs together, horizontally and harmoniously. Through this literal state of being multiple, we prioritise the subjectivity and variety of our realities and aim to address as wide and diverse of an audience as possible. 4

We hope that you will join us in this ongoing and exploratory conversation.

revisions is an initiative
